As a first responder, your job requires tools that are reliable and versatile. The CHANNELLOCK® Rescue Tool pries open windows and doors, cuts wires and cables easily, shuts off gas safety valves and loosens hose couplings.Specifications
Units: Inches (Millimeters)
- (A) Overall Length 8.875 (225.53)
- (B) Jaw Length 1.43 (36.32)
- (C) Joint Thickness 0.53 (13.46)
- (D) Joint Width 1.62 (41.15)
- (E) Cutting Edge 1.43 (89.92)
- (H) Handle Span 3.54 (89.92)
- Weight 1.13 pounds (512.56 grams)
Spanner Wrench:
Spanner wrench tightens and loosens up to 5" hose couplings
30% lighter than the 89 Rescue Tool for compact storage
Easy to Transport:
Fits securely in bunker pockets
Jaw Profile:
Narrow jaw profile fits in tight spots
Cutting Power:
Standard battery cables are no match for its cutting power
Hardened Cutting Edges:
Hardened cutting edges shear through soft metal
Pries Windows:
Pries open windows and doors
Gas Valves:
Shuts off gas safety valves
High Alloy Steel:
High alloy steel for superior strength
Site Hardened Cutting Edges:
Site hardened cutting edges shear through soft metal wires and cables