ITM har kart over hele verden og de spesialiserer seg på land litt utenfor allfarvei. Beliggenheten til landets nasjonalparker, historiske monumenter, de viktigste veiene o.L. Finner du inkludert i kartene. Samtlige landkart har ofte et bykart over hovedstaden.
Fra ITM: Canadian Rockies: Banff, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks at 1:250,000 in a series of topographic survey maps of selected areas of British Columbia and the Canadian Rockies from ITMB with cartography from Canada’s national survey organization. Most sheets are printed on light, waterproof and tear- resistant plastic paper.
Whilst the Canadian Department of Natural Resources (previously Canada Map Office) decides whether to provide updated pre-printed editions of its survey mapping or switch to print-on-demand only, in 2007 it began co-operating with ITMB on this new series of maps with cartography of the Canadian topographic survey and additional tourist and recreational information provided by ITMB. The maps are double-sided, with either two 1:50,000 maps combined in one title, or a 1:250,000 map supplemented by more detailed coverage at 1:50,000.
In this title: four 1:250,000 Canadian Survey sheets are combined to provide coverage of the southern part of the Canadian Rockies, including Banff, Kootenay and Yoho National Parks, and stretching from the 50º north to Saskatchewan River crossing. Coverage east - west is from Calgary to the Upper Arrow Lake in BC. Elevation is given in feet, with contours at 500ft intervals (conversion chart to metres is provided). Extensive overprint highlights several different types of accommodation and camping facilities, recreational areas doe hiking, canoeing, horse riding, cross-country skiing, climbing, hand gliding, mountain biking, fishing, snowmobiling, etc. The map is printed on light, waterproof and tear-resistant plastic paper.
Publisert år: 2008
Innbinding: falset
Material: plastpapir
Målestokk: 1:250000